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RenpyThief 是可以翻译这个游戏的,只需要把游戏的目录名字改为WBTV就行,很神奇


will there be an option to be human later on?


At the moment it's a lower priority. My top priority is to get through the character stories first.


it has vore?


Yep! And more to come in the future!


does anyone know where the secret cave is?

In the beginning of the game, when you first have access to the map and can click around - look at the very right for a red light.

oh thanks i will try


This Nv should be available on android caught my attention


What interaction should i click to get the foot scene at the table? I saw it in your patreon, mentioning it will be in there. Did i miss something or is it coming in a future update?


I actually drew that a bit early, however, it is coming up soon.




where is the vore parts?

ATM you can have vore fun in the secret cave right when you get to the island. More vore coming in different interactions.

What types?


hell ye

i struck gold


Could you please do a apk or swf version?


So here for this! 

this update for what?


The Vega day 1 update is the first interaction you'll have with Vega.


Is there a Chinese translation available?

No translations at this time. I think I will invest time and money to that part at a much later date.


Still *very* short, a few typos, but charming and worth throwing in some money still. I want to see this grow and what it becomes! Thanks for putting in the effort!


Since kinks are a major point, is or will there be scat content?


No scat in this game. You can see the list of kinks/fetish I'll be exploring in the description above.


Will there be an Android Version?


Is it going to be availible for samsung?


Still working out the andriod build. Unfortunately they made it incredibly hard and cumbersome to create andriod builds for this program.

next update?

You can check in the development log. I posted an update on my patreon.

(4 edits)

Just played through the first day, landed on the shoreline and now I'm stuck there. Not that great. :-(
What am I supposed to do at the map screen? Clicking on buildings just shows some text.

You can click around the buildings. If you click on the cafe you'll progress the demo, and if you find the secret cave you'll have a very fun encounter. 


Will this game ever be on Android?


so the last image of the shown things on the itch page, is that in the pat version or is it in the demo somewhere hidden?

That's part of the secret path in the demo. If you didn't find it the first time you get a hint at the end as to how to find it. :D


im blind when it comes to thanks for the heads up.


Can't wait for a full game. Definitely wanna try the macro+dom way when there will be a full release.


Lovely game!


i wish android available 



Oh man I can't wait to see the other options


i dont know if the vertion i played was old but i have some suggestions if they arent already in the game the narrator or text to speach seems to not exist in this game and as someone who cant read for a long time without the words turning into mush in my head id love to see text to speach added as we see with most vns


I'm so excited to hang around and enjoy the development of this one!! Loving the set of kinks and feet stuff as it can be a little scarce for other VNs


Great demo! Love the art, concept, and especially the feet. Very excited for more content, keep up the good work!


can't get past the map at the start help

You can click on all of the revealed buildings. The coffee shop and one other secret place will take you to a new scene.


Does this game allows me to hypnotize someone? or I'm the one getting hypnotized


Great question! Most of the game your character is the one being hypnotized, however, I have plans to have the main character hypnotize a few of the boys you get to date.


use the bara tag btwbtw


Just played the demo! and I am intrigued! I love the mystery devil..and the different kinks the different furs u date can explore. it looks like alot of sexy fun and cant wait for more!


This games look awesome, I really would love to play it, will you release an android version?


Just played this today and I love how the game is so far. I can't wait for when the MC can be able to interact with the characters because so far my top 3 to try and romance right now are the axolotl, the naga and the gator (I forgot their name -_-), and can't wait for when the character branches are set.


I hope the MC will be the one who domination cause you game is 🤤🤤 delicious :3


Will there be an android version?


i dont know if this was asked before but ---- will there be a mac?

Just added a Mac version! Please enjoy!


Why do some of these characters seem so familiar?

Its almost like I've seen the axolotl and the croc somewhere else before...

That serpent looks familiar too...

Ah well, must be a coincidence. Good visual novel by the way fuckin loved it


Thanks for playing! I have been around on the internet with these characters for a while, so you might have seen them in some of my art or something.


Oh I was just playin, I've absolutely seen them before in comics. l love your art and the comics have been really phenomenal so I'm super hyped about this game. I think I discovered your art like a year ago and I saw the vn art and I was super excited. I hope it goes well and ill be here for every minute of it <3

How often this game will get updates?

As soon as I can. No set schedule at this time. You get more updates on my Patreon then here.


no rudeness intended! but are the character descriptions made using some sort of LLM (gpt3/ chatgpt model etc)? they have that feel to them ahha, if so pretty neat use of it

Oh haha no I wrote everything.


I apologize in advance if this comes across as too nosy of me to ask you this question involving your visual novel, especially since it's still something that's currently a work in progress, but I was just mainly curious about whether you plan on adding any other kinks/fetishes to this VN of yours later on down the line of the future as you continue working on and including more content on it whenever you happen to finish the demo version of it or is what you have listed there in your description of this project of yours what you're set on having in it especially when you get around working on the full version of it outside the demo you have released to the public so far?


Hey great question! The list of kink/fetish I have is what I'm planning on writing about since I'm more familiar with those. I might get into more if my Patrons suggest something they want to see.

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